Betagro is a leading integrated agro-industrial and food company in Thailand. It was founded in 1967 and has since grown to become one of the largest food companies in Southeast Asia. The company’s business covers the production and sale of animal feed, animal pharmaceuticals and supplements, livestock, swine, and poultry products, eggs, related processed food products and pet food, distribution of farm equipment, and related research and development.

Betagro has a vertically integrated business model that covers many aspects of the value chain for its products, from feed production, growth and sale of broodstock, commercial farming, slaughtering, and processing to sales. This allows Betagro to effectively control quality and manage costs. In addition, the company says it is committed to producing high-quality and safe products and has implemented strict biosecurity and quality control measures, guided by recognized international standards.
The company’s products are sold in Thailand and exported to over 30 countries around the world. The company has production bases and distribution channels across all regions of Thailand. It also has operations in Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam.
According to its website, the company is committed to sustainable development and has a number of initiatives in place to reduce its environmental impact. These include using renewable energy sources, reducing water consumption, and minimizing waste.
However, in 2004, the company was accused of using banned antibiotics in its chicken feed. The company denied the allegations, but the scandal led to a decline in sales. In 2015, Betagro was again accused of using banned antibiotics in its chicken feed. This time, the company was fined by the Thai government. In 2017, Betagro was accused of using slave labor in its chicken farms. The company denied the allegations, but the scandal led to a boycott of Betagro products in some countries.
In addition to these controversies, Betagro has also been criticized for its environmental impact. The company’s chicken farms produce large amounts of waste, which can pollute waterways and contribute to climate change. Betagro has been accused of not doing enough to reduce its environmental impact.
Despite these controversies, Betagro remains one of the largest food companies in Southeast Asia.